LeShadech will Daven for you at the Kever of Yonasan Ben Uziel in Amuka for your needs.
LeShadech will Daven at the Kever of Yonasan Ben Uziel in Amuka for your needs.
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Mazel Tov! Wed 9:49 PM ... ... from boro park you have great speakers! I made a shiduch this summer because of your encouragement. The last time I made a shidduch was 6 years ago because of burn out.
Tonight was a very encouraging speech. It's true that you can have an idea, but think it probably won't go anywhere, so you hesitate to redt it. But the truth is, you really never know! Thank you for the chizuk!
The speech gave me so much chizuk. I have done many shidduchim but have yet to get paid. It is a big chizuk to know that I am getting paid in other ways.
Mazel Tov! Thanks to your organization my first granddaughter got engaged thanks to one of your shadchanta Shify Friedman thanks and keep up your holy work.
Since LeShadech - Wonderful lines! I Never entertaind the idea of trying shidduchim. Since I startd with leshadech- approximately 2 months - I redt about 15! hatzlucha veiter! Mrs.E Kovitz, Boro Park
Mazel Tov! Wed 9:49 PM ... ... from boro park you have great speakers! I made a shiduch this summer because of your encouragement. The last time I made a shidduch was 6 years ago because of burn out.
Tonight was a very encouraging speech. It's true that you can have an idea, but think it probably won't go anywhere, so you hesitate to redt it. But the truth is, you really never know! Thank you for the chizuk!
The speech gave me so much chizuk. I have done many shidduchim but have yet to get paid. It is a big chizuk to know that I am getting paid in other ways.
Mazel Tov! Thanks to your organization my first granddaughter got engaged thanks to one of your shadchanta Shify Friedman thanks and keep up your holy work.
Since LeShadech - Wonderful lines! I Never entertaind the idea of trying shidduchim. Since I startd with leshadech- approximately 2 months - I redt about 15! hatzlucha veiter! Mrs.E Kovitz, Boro Park
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