Free Redt - A - Shidduch Raffle!

  • L'kovod TuBav: Any shidduchim redt and texted on Monday Tu B'av 844-537-4233 gives you a chance to win an additional $180. ( the more you redt the more chances you have) You will also be enrolled in the LeShadech weekly Redt-a- Shidduch $180 raffle, and if you redt it for a yusom or yesoma you will be entered to win an additional $180. If you Redt a Lakewood shidduch you can also text to 732-400-9006 and be enrolled into the additional free Lakewood LeShadech Redt-A-Shidduch $180 weekly raffle.

  • Weekly Raffle - to win $360!

  • Win $180 for a redting a shidduch

  • Win additional $180 if you redt a shidduch for a Yasom or Yasoma

  • Redt a shidduch (make an introduction) to a relative, neighbor, or friend. Get a mitzvah for every shidduch you redt

  • You can also ask one of our experienced shadchanim to redt the shidduch on your behalf.

  • Click here to see our previous winners.

  • Click here to win $100,000 raffle, click here.

Click here to see our previous winners.

To sponsor one or more of the round-the-year raffles l'Ilui nishmas or to be a corporate sponsor, please click here

Tizku l'mitzvos


Please enter your email to Win.

Email *

First Name: *

Last Name: *

Phone Number: *

Number of Shidduchim you Redt *

Number of Dates / Bazuchs:

Number of Engagements

Within the last:

Number of Shidduchim for Yesomim:

Number of Shidduchim for Yesomos:

Were any shidduchim for a Lakewood area resident? *

Yes No


Please check that you are not a robot *

Click here to see our previous winners.

To sponsor one or more of the round-the-year raffles l'Ilui nishmas or to be a corporate sponsor, please click here

Tizku l'mitzvos



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